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루이스 벌코프 기독교교리 요약 영문판

ASV 영어성경 본문

Louis Berkhof was born in and emigrated with his family to Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1882. He graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1900 and accepted the call to be the pastor of the Allendale, Michigan First Christian Reformed Church. In 1902 he went to Princeton University for two years earning a B.D. degree. He then accepted the pastorship of the Oakdale Park Church in Grand Rapids. In ..
Louis Berkhof was born in and emigrated with his family to Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1882. He graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1900 and accepted the call to be the pastor of the Allendale, Michigan First Christian Reformed Church. In 1902 he went to Princeton University for two years earning a B.D. degree. He then accepted the pastorship of the Oakdale Park Church in Grand Rapids. In 1906 he was appointed to the faculty of Calvin Theological Seminary. He assumed the presidency of the seminary in 1931 and served until retirement in 1944. A talented teacher and hard-working author, among his twenty-two books is Systematic Theology, which has been translated into several languages and used in many conservative colleges and seminaries.
This book was first published in 1938. It’s copyright has expired and is in the public domain according to The Christian Digital Library Foundation, Inc. The book is occasionally republished by various publishing companies.
All Scripture references are from the 1901 American Standard Version
개혁주의 신학에 기초한 출판문화선교

When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments.
(2Timothy 4:13 NIV)

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