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이엠 바운즈의 기도의 능력 영문판

기도의 능력

E. M. Bounds Edward McKendree Bounds (August 15, 1835 – August 24, 1913) prominently known as E.M. Bounds, was an American author, attorney, and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South clergy. He is known for writing 11 books, nine of which focused on the subject of prayer.
E. M. Bounds

Edward McKendree Bounds (August 15, 1835 – August 24, 1913) prominently known as E.M. Bounds, was an American author, attorney, and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South clergy. He is known for writing 11 books, nine of which focused on the subject of prayer.
개혁주의 신학에 기초한 출판문화선교

When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments.
(2Timothy 4:13 NIV)

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